The last time I left a mental facility I weighed 314 pounds, was pre-diabetic and could barely walk because my feet were so swollen. I couldn't get my feet into my shoes, so I had to wear enormous flip-flops during winter!
Needless to say I found it very difficult to begin an exercise program. However, I started by accepting my situation and making peace with it. All I had was the determination to make my life better. That was the first step. Sheer determination to make positive changes in my life was the key. I am often asked how I began, and that is what I say. I accepted where I was and decided to make a change, no matter how difficult it was going to be.
As I stated in an earlier post, I gave up sugar. I threw away all the junk food that was in the house. What my family wanted to keep, they had to hide. That being said, I started my exercise program by walking. I wasn't able to go fast or far, but I did it anyway. The first time I walked I barely made it five minutes, and it was excruciating. I told myself constantly, throughout the day, that every master was once a beginner. Slowly I added distance, time and a faster pace to my walks.
That was the start of my journey. Now I am able to run on difficult outdoor trails that are full of hills. I realized that if I want to improve my life, my health and my overall wellbeing, I could. Start where you are, with what you have, and do it now! When all I could do was walk, I walked. When I realized I was eating junk food and sugar, I replaced it with fruit.
Below is an excellent video about how to start a walking program. Personally, I don't use a pedometer, health coach, or tracking software, but I know a few people that do.
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As always, I wish you wonderful mental health, great exercising and great successes with eating healthy meals. If you, or someone you love, is severely depressed or anxious, please click the link to the right and you will be directed to the International Association for Suicide Prevention. It is a great resource, and is staffed by wonderful people.
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